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ダウンロード GPL ApproveMe WP E-Signature + All 12 Business Addons

Download eSignatur for WordPress for almost free

WP E Signature, by ApproveMe, is a high-end, paid WordPress plug-in that allows users to create personalized, legally binding contracts that can be signed electronically with a computer mouse or touch screen. It’s the first application of its kind that I’m aware of, and can be either an excellent time-saver, or a costly burden. The app isn’t for everyone. There’s an immense learning curve to using it, and the price can be prohibitive. But when properly installed, it’s powerful, and can save a business money over time.

Esignatur Addons Package:

  • ESignature Active Campaign
  • ESignature Custom Message
  • ESignature Add Templates
  • ESignature Signer Order
  • ESignature Attac PDF to EMail
  • ESignature Auto Add My Signature
  • ESignature Auto register User
  • ESignature Dropbox Sync
  • ESignature Google Recaptcha
  • ESignature Signing Reminders
  • ESignature Stand Alone Docs
  • ESignature Unlimited Sender Roles
  • ESignature Upload Logo and Branding
  • ESignature URL Redirect after Signing




+133 3643 8551(V同期)