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ダウンロード GPL WooCommerce Subscriptions Extension 6.6.1 - 定期購入をオンラインで販売しませんか?

WooCommerce Subscriptions is a premium extension that you can use with your WooCommerce store.

The extension allows you to set up various subscription products and services with recurring pricing models. This helps you get a realistic projection of the expected monthly income from your business.

The powerful extension comes with all the necessary options for setting up recurring models of payment. That means you can offer both physical and digital subscription products and services for various durations including the obvious ones like weekly, monthly, annually along with custom frequencies you may what to define.

As the extension supports more than 25 payment gateways, including the more popular ones such as Paypal, Stripe, BrainTree and many more, you will find it very easy to collect recurring payments from your customers, who may be located anywhere in the world.

Customers can upgrade, downgrade, or perform other account management tasks from their user dashboard.

For you, the owner of the site, the detailed reports will help you track the overall performance of your packages and plans.




+133 3643 8551(V同期)