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Download GPL WP All Import Pro 4.8.9 – WordPress XML CSV Importer Plugin

WP All Import is a plugin created by Soflyy, a team dedicated to creating great products that are simple, elegant, and which solve many common problems users face in their day-to-day use of WordPress.

Soflyy are focused on picking just a few things to work on but carrying out those tasks to the best of their ability. In their opinion too many organizations try their hands at too many things, and as a result do a poor job at all of them. Soflyy want to be different. They want to be the exact opposite of that.

As well as WP All Import nulled, Soflyy’s other product is Prosociate, a simple WordPress plugin that makes it easy to earn commissions with Amazon’s associate program. However today we’re focusing on WP All Import, a plugin that allows you to import any XML and CSV file into WordPress with ease.

Instead of ending up with a mass of data, you then need to organize, WP All Import lets you sort each piece of data into just the right place inside WordPress. It can be as simple as loading a file into WP All Import, dragging and dropping the information from your file into the appropriate place within WordPress and hitting the import button.

Some other features you might find useful include:

  • Being able to import to any plugin or theme
  • Import images from anywhere
  • Perform automatic, schedule import updates
  • Import new data to existing content
  • API hooks and PHP execution for developers




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