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ダウンロード GPL WPML 4.6.13 - WordPress CMS Multilingual Plugin
- すべての高度な機能を含む
- GNU GPLライセンス(鍵)を使う
- 100%マルウェアフリー:Virustotalによるチェック済み
- 年中無休の販売前および販売後のサポート
- 無制限ドメインで利用可能
- 2年間の無料アップデートを含む
- GPLv2の下で付けられた無効なアクティベーションバージョン
WordPress Multilingual Plugin or also known as WPML was launched last 2007 by OnTheGoSystems. If you use WordPress for a long time, you’ve certainly heard about this plugin. It is one of the most popular and recommended translation plugins by many WordPress users and experts.
As the name implies, it is a dynamic multilingual plugin that allows your WordPress content like pages, custom post types, theme strings, widgets, page builder content, taxonomies, menu items, and everything included will be translated into different languages. WPML plugin nulled is also inexpensive despite the premium translation service it offers. If you are emerging on the WordPress scene, WPML will certainly fit your preferences. A diverse audience may cause a language barrier and to prevent that from happening, WordPress WPML only needs a single website without the need to install WordPress on different domains.