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Download GPL WP Migrate DB Pro 2.6.13 (+ All 4 Addons) – Migrate your WordPress database

Download WP Migrate DB Pro for WordPress

WP Migrate DB Pro unlocks a host of additional functionality that isn’t available in the free version. The defining feature is being able to completely replace a WordPress website remotely. Alternative Migrate Plugins are All-In-One WP Migration.

WP Migrate DB included Addons:

  • WP Migrate DB Pro Cli
  • WP Migrate DB Pro Media
  • WP Migrate DB Pro
  • WP Migrate DB Pro Multisite Tools
  • WP Migrate DB Pro Theme Plugin


WP Migrate Pro Nulled

Like WP Migrate DB, the pro version allows you to export your website database. However, you can also import a website backup directly by uploading the backup file.

Once again, you should pay attention to the find-and-replace fields. Adding the correct location information before a website migration can save you a lot of time later on.

Additional content can be replaced by simply adding more find-and-replace rows. For example, if a website was being rebranded you could replace all references to the old brand.
The pull feature can be used to replace your website with a remote WordPress website database; the push feature can be used to replace the remote WordPress website database on the one you’re logged in to.


WP Migrate Pro – Move WordPress to a new server

Use the WP Migrate DB to move easily a Worpress site. The nulled version can be use for unlimited sites.

The connection information required to push or pull a WordPress database can be found in the settings tab. Pushing and pulling databases can save developers a huge amount of time, as a website can be transferred painlessly from one location to another. For example, a test website database could be pushed to the live website in a matter of minutes.

If desired, the same database could be copied to multiple websites. Design companies that install the same themes and plugins on all client websites could take advantage of this feature.



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